Our process for handling service requests (for properties that are part of an HOA community)

Our process for handling service requests (for properties NOT part of an HOA community)

When maintenance requests are submitted for a property located within an HOA, the process for handling the maintenance request is different. A different approach is required because each HOA has their own, unique set, of rules and regulations. These rules and regulations include how/when maintenance should be handled if the issue stems from a building related component, or another unit in the HOA. For any repair where involvement from the HOA is needed (ie. building plumbing line backup, exterior issue, leak from the unit above, etc.), the client's account manager makes the initial outreach to the association and the client is cc'd on the email. From there, we ask the owner to remain involved and keep their account manager apprised of any updates from the HOA. We ask for the owner's involvement because our power as the management company in a situation like this is severely limited and we are not authorized to handle repairs for common elements or other units in the HOA. There are also other decisions that need to be made that we cannot authorize on behalf of an owner (ie. filing claim with insurance company). Your account manager will be able to assist by handling the coordination and communication with the tenants and providing any other prescriptive advice as required.

  1. The tenant is required to submit the maintenance request through the online portal. Doing so allow us to route it to the right team and track the progress.
  2. After the maintenance request has been submitted, the team will attempt to troubleshoot the issue by providing step by step guides (if applicable). 30% of maintenance requests are resolved without needing to send out a contractor and therefore saving the client unnecessary cost.
  3. If the troubleshooting steps do not work, the maintenance team coordinates with a member of the in-house maintenance staff of preferred vendor to assess the issue.
  4. The maintenance team informs the tenant that a contractor has been assigned the job and they will be provided with the date of the servicing. Tenants are provided with a six hour time window to allow for adequate time for the contractor to arrive on-site.
  5. The maintenance team provides the contractor with access to our lockbox to access the property. If a lockbox is not allowed at the property, the contractor will pick up a key from an office location.
  6. After the vendor arrives onsite, they will assess the issue and if it is determined the issue is not building related, they will make the required repair if the cost falls below $450. (**this only applies to non emergency requests). 

The steps below only apply if the repair is not building related:

    7. If the maintenance request is going to exceed the maintenance limit and the request is not an emergency, the contractor will provide a price quote to the team and the account manager will reach out to the client for approval.
    8. After the repair is complete, the contractor closes out the work order and provides the invoice for the job (invoices are submitted in batches every 1-2 weeks).
    9. The accounting team will process payment and add the bill to the client portal
   10. The work order is closed out and considered completed

Click here to review our Master Maintenance Overview